Join us in advocating for the Santa Ana River Trail & Parkway

In 1998, The Wildlands Conservancy began promoting a Santa Ana River Renaissance, reviving the vision of a continuous 110-mile trail along Southern California’s largest river.

The Santa Ana River begins in the San Bernardino Mountains, flowing through the urban core of San Bernardino, Riverside, and Orange Counties before reaching the Pacific Ocean at Huntington Beach.

To date, The Wildlands Conservancy has raised over 70 million dollars for the Santa Ana River Trail & Parkway for:

  • city planning and vision boards

  • trail planning and construction

  • habitat restoration projects

  • and building parks along the river

After decades of advocacy, the 110-mile Santa Ana River Trail & Parkway is nearly complete.

Join our list of supporters below and take action to expand public access to nature, conserve wildlife habitat, and protect biodiversity along the river.